Sunday, March 22, 2009

Busy, busy

It's been a bit crazy around here - work has been so ridiculous that I didn't have time to post, and yesterday was taken up with basketball :) The end of that Gonzaga/Texas game was ridiculous. Today I'll be able to watch more basketball while I fold the laundry and spin. That's the life!

I got the merino tencel in the mail - so pretty and soft!

spincerely merino tencel

spincerely merino tencel closeup

I can't wait to get it on the wheel. She also sent along a little sample of BFL:

spincerely blue faced leicester

Extremely spinnable. I went back to her shop, but there was none of it in stock.

Here's a monkey pic:

monkey head

He's going pretty slowly, but he's further along than this.

I finished spinning up the falkland from the fairy tale swap:

tea and wool

I'm thinking of a three ply - two falkland and one of the big yellow taxi from Crown Mountain Farms. I'll sample first, and pass it by DP's discerning eye.

I finally got around to uploading the pretzel picture:

pretzel closeup

It's the recipe from Smitten Kitchen, one of the best food blogs ever. The pretzels were made and promptly consumed - no leftovers!

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