Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Almost there

I still have a spindle and a half to spin up - I haven't gotten a lot of spinning time recently. Then I need to ply and finish the yarn, and I'm off to the knitting. It can't be soon enough!

I'm plugging away at the Zoe cardi. I'm so excited for it to be finished! I have about 5 inches left of the body, and that's it. I don't have any buttons for it yet, but that won't stop me from considering it done.

For my next trick (!), I'm planning on the Sprossling sweater by Anne Hanson. I've seen so many beautiful ones, I can't resist any longer. Add to that a ravelry destash of enough yarn for a large sized one, and I'm there. I think I'll actually try to follow directions this time and knit the thing in pieces. This will only be the second sweater in pieces I've ever knit, and I'm a little nervous about the seaming up. I'll just have to take it nice and easy. At least knitting it in pieces will make it able to be brought on the bus!

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