Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Completely forgot

I can't believe I forgot to post pics of the batts, the undyed yarn and the dyed yarn from this weekend. Grrr.

Here are the little batts:


The top two are the wool/angora, and the bottom two are the wool/silk.

Here's the spun and plied yarn before its koolaid bath:

angora silk bfl blend 2

The detail:

angora silk bfl blend

And after dyeing:

orange sherbet

orange sherbet detail

I spun this all supported long draw, which I've hardly ever done. I can see how production spinners would love this method, and I think with some practice (and no neps or noils in my fiber) I could get an awesome singles out of it.

Also, here's the first half of the second batch of Big Yellow Taxi from Crown Mountain:

big yellow taxi

Again, supported long draw, about 6 oz.

I love spinning!

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