I finished the STR sockies--hooray!
![str sockies](http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1135/664751080_82daf96340_o.jpg)
They're just standard 64 stitch toe up, short row heel socks, but the lace pattern is from the Surplice Bodice Camisole from Knitting Lingerie Style. I loved that pattern, so I had to use it for something else. They took me a rather long time (almost a whole month!) because they were mostly bus knitting, and now that it's summertime, I only take the bus to work, so I can walk home. As soon as they're done drying, they'll be off in the mail.
I'm still waiting for my next STR installment; I'm afraid that the mailwoman might have lost it or delivered it to someone else.
I also finally got my order from the Loopy Ewe:
![from the loopy ewe](http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1439/664751078_698834cd27.jpg)
(Counterclockwise from top right: Dream in Color in Chinatown Apple, bonus yarn Online Supersocke in Highland, Posh Yarns Applause and Roses by the Knittery on the bottom of the bag)
It's not Sheri's fault that I got my package so late; my lame-ox replacement mailwoman never told me she delivered it to the apartment office on Monday. Argh! However, there are some delightful things for me to start working on...where to begin?
On the food front, we're having twice-baked potatoes for supper tonight--they're so simple but so tasty. I made a gross discovery when I went to wash the potatoes before cooking them: one of them was rotting from the inside out, and liquefying. It was so disgusting. Thankfully, DP was napping, because if he'd seen that he wouldn't have let me use the rest of the potatoes! He's easily grossed out.