Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Know ye not Agincourt?

Agincourt by Bernard Cornwell is one of the better books I've read recently. It's everything Gates of Fire wanted to be. GoF (to me) went too heavy on the "these guys were great soldiers, but just guys" shtick. I don't need to know everyone's nickname, with a ridiculous story for each one. That kind of thing smacks of effort, as they say. It tries too hard, and I couldn't get lost in the book because I could feel the author thinking.

Bernard Cornwell is a good writer, and I love his Richard Sharpe series, but I hadn't actually read anything else by him. I saw a recommendation for this book, from the same place that recommended me GoF, and I decided to give it a try. Awesome. Lots of grit, but not fake grit. Slimy churchmen, but good ones too. I'm only to the battle of Harfleur, but I love this book.


In knitting news, I have my swap partner assignment and have begun the project. I really hope she likes it - it's in her queue - and I think I might make a few other smallish things too. Depends on time. I'm not quite sure what to do about extras though...I don't know if I have any yarn she'd like, and it's hot to ship something chocolate. Well, I have time to figure it out.

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