Monday, October 6, 2008

CLB attack

When we went on our honeymoon, we went camping for the first night. When we woke up in the morning, our tent was covered in asian lady beetles, or (as I called them) CLBs. Now, it seems that they are invading my house. ARGH!

In other news, here's the hat and mittens that I finished a few days ago:

Thumbless mittens (with interior pocket):

football mittens

mitten pocket

Squash Blossom hat:

squash hat

I bought the yarn for the hat because it looked like Green Bay Packer colors, and my sister is a huge sports fan. She loves the smooshy feeling of the hat, and my BIL loves his thumbless mittens :)

I also finished a pair of slippers for DP, though I don't have the pic up yet, and I'm working on his scarf. It's simple brioche stitch, over 18 stitches, on US 11s. This is the scarf I've tried to make for him for 2 years. It's my fourth try; there's always something I don't like about the scarf and I rip it out. The yarn is lovely: Louisa Harding Grace in black.

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